PCST2023 Online: Broadening our toolkit

4 April 2023: In this PCST2023 Online session, presenters reflected on some specific science communication resources and reviewed the techniques used in the communication process.

4 April 2023: This PCST2023 Online session covered lessons learned from conferences, exhibitions and trans-disciplinary strategies to improve science engagement.

3 April 2023: This PCST2023 Online session explored how science communication and the dissemination of science communication plays out in different contexts, and what can be learnt from different strategies and viewpoints.

3 April 2023: In this PCST2023 Online session, the IDEA Network held a Wiki workshop where they showed how to incorporate Wiki editing into public engagement practice.

3 April 2023: In this PCST2023 Online session, presenters explored the places and platforms where science communication knowledge is acquired and how that ‘knowledge’ is presented and interpreted in turn.

3 April 2023: In this PCST2023 Online session, presenters explored how important information is communicated to different audiences and how practices are adapted and developed to account for differences in perspectives.

There are three different programmes to provide financial support to attend the upcoming PCST2023 conference in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, from 12 to 14 April 2023. Find out more about each programme and how to apply online.

With the PCST2023 conference coming up in Rotterdam in April next year, you probably have questions about registration, funding, proposals and the programme, as well as other related topics. You can find all the answers here!

The PCST Venice Symposium – Science Communication Education and Training – will be held from 28-30 September 2023 at Venice International University. A call for presentations is open to scholars, practitioners and organisations to present good practices and experiences on science communication education and training.

Jenni Metcalfe, President of the PCST Network, and the Local Organising Committee of the PCST 2023 conference, are excited to announce the following line-up of keynote speakers for the upcoming conference that will take place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, from 12 to 14 April 2023.

The PCST Network is pleased to announce that we will be supporting the attendance of people from lower-income countries at the PCST Conference in Rotterdam in April next year. We are grateful to the Kavli Foundation for their generous donation to make this programme possible.

“We live in a complex society. COVID-19 made us realise just how complex science and society interfaces are with many role players, influencers, messages, messengers, uncertainties, and more,” said Bernard Schiele when he reflected on a recent two-day planning event for the 2023 PCST conference.

For PCST 2023, we are making an explicit commitment to encourage equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in gender, age, ethnicity, other identities and geographical locations, and in terms of ideas and professional and methodological approaches (i.e., research and practice).

The Summary of the PCST 2021 Conference was compiled by Guoyan Wang and her doctoral student Lingfei Wang from the Science Communication Research Centre at Soochow University.

Great news! Conference papers for the Public Communication of Science and Technology 2020 + 1 virtual conference held from 24 to 27 May 2021 can now be accessed by everyone (registered or not) from 1 August 2021.

Thanks to sponsors, speakers, registrants and the technical team.  What now?